Biotic and Abiotic – Meaning, Examples & Differences

We assume you are here on this page to learn about the Biotic and Abiotic Components. For that, it’s important that you study the ecosystem. In this article today, we are going to let you know what Biotic and Abiotic components are. We will also let you know about their differences. 

But First, What Is An Ecosystem?

A bubble of life, where plants, animals, and other living beings co-exist is what we call an ecosystem. Every factor in this ecosystem is dependent on every other factor. They depend on each other either in a direct or in an indirect way. 

There is no specific size for an ecosystem. It can be very big, or it can be very small too. If you look at little ponds, even they are a complete ecosystem on their own. Like the way every factor depends on each other, they also alter things for each other.

For example, if there is a change in the climate, it affects the plants. The seasonal plants might not grow in a proper way. Anf that, in turn, will affect the animals who depend on them for their survival. And thus, in an ecosystem, one thing leads to another, and so on.

Also, the complete surface of the earth is well connected with little ecosystems. These ecosystems are, in fact, well-connected n a biome. Now you have a fair notion about the ecosystem let’s know about the Biotic and Abiotic components.

Biotic Components

In the term “Biotic,” “Bio” stands for living organisms, and the term “ic” refers to like. So Biotic, in very basic terms, means living organisms. So, all the living things that ha ever been on the face of the earth are what we call Biotic.

Now the Biotic components of our ecosystem include everything like Plants and Humans. It also includes animals, insects, decomposers, bacteria, and everything that’s living.

Now there are so many Biotic components on the earth. To understand them better, they get classified into categories. The Categories are as follows:

  • Producers -Producers are the biotic components that make their own food. It includes plants, algae, etc. They use photosynthesis to produce their food. And for this, they rely on abiotic factors like sunlight, water, etc. 
  • Consumers – Consumers are the biotic components that depend on the producers. They depend on the producers for their survival. There are two types of consumers – Primary and Secondary. Primary consumers are that consume the producers. For example – Goats, Cows, etc. And the secondary consumers are which consume primary ones. For example – Lion, Tiger, etc
  • Decomposers – Decomposers break down the dead bodies of plants or animals in various ways. They are also referred to as reducers. They secrete enzymes that help decompose the dead bodies of plants and animals.
  • Detritivores – Detritivores are the organisms that feed on the dead and the decaying ones.

Abiotic Components

In our ecosystem, there are also non-living things that are present. These nonliving things are what we call the Abiotic Components. They are not living, but they still play a very important role in keeping the ecosystem intact. Biotic components rely on the Abiotic one to survive and grow.

Below are the examples of Abiotic Components

  • Weather
  • Water
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Soil
  • Sunlight

Now, let us know the difference between Biotic and Abiotic factors.

Difference Between Biotic And Abiotic Factors


The origin of the Biotic elements of the ecosystem is from the Biosphere. On the other side, the Abiotic elements most often originate from the lithosphere. They also emerge from the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

So the biotic elements and the abiotic elements originate from very different places.


The Biotic components of the ecosystem depend on the abiotic elements. However, not all biotic elements depend on abiotic factors in a direct way. But in an indirect way, the rest of the biotic elements depends on the abiotic elements.

But that is not the case with Abiotic elements. The abiotic elements are independent in nature. They can never depend on Biotic elements.


The examples of Abiotic elements are the type of soil, the temperature, the weather, the air, and more. That is, the non-living elements on the earth are abiotic. And on the other side, living things like plants, animals, fungi, humans, bacteria, etc., are biotic.

Final Thoughts

The two main fundamental things due to which the ecosystem exists are biotic and abiotic. On a day-to-day basis, one does not give much attention, but everything is part of a bigger thing – the ecosystem.

A little change can bring about a much larger change in the ecosystems and the life cycle of the Biotic things. Hence it is important that there is harmony between the two at all times.

With that, it’s a wrap on this article today. We do hope you like the article and the information that it gave.

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